Thursday, October 30, 2014

Where does my time go?

I have all these great plans on what I am going to do but my time just gets away. My normal day starts between 5:00 am and 6:00 am I get up to a crying baby (well a one year old), then breakfast for the two little kids, then I try to get to as many email/ messages as I can, I drop Allona off at school and then the fun starts. I am now a part of the Softball board, School Athlecit booster, then I have house work, all while taking care of Eli (baby number 2), and then pick up Allona from  school home by 3:30 pm, we have softball, baseball, football, volleyball. Once we are done with that I have to make dinner, check homework, talk about our day, have dinner and the next thing I know it is 11:30 pm. I do my best to answer every ones questions and to help them figure out how to succeed in their weight loss journey.  I am sorry I have to sleep at all I would love to answer every message and email, but sadly I cannot.
I am working on the diet for non-weight loss surgery and I hope to post the diet for those who have had weight loss surgery soon. I will also try to post some sample menus for both diets. A few things that I will tell you is that just because you went off your diet and you ate half a pizza or a bag of chips all is not lost. You can start all over again RIGHT NOW, you do not have to wait till tomorrow or till next week, we all make mistakes, so chalk it up to a mistake and keep on going. You can be where you are at and be happy or you can know where you want to be and work on getting there. I say all the time you cannot fix stupid you can work on you and fix you but you cannot fix stupid, just say it was a stupid mistake and I am moving on.
You are who you are, I found that out the hard way, I just knew I would have this weight loss surgery and life would be so different and so much better. The truth is I am who I am, all my problems before surgery was still there (I can deal a little better now), and the person I was before surgery is the same person who came out of surgery. Love yourself because once you do and start to let people know I will not accept anything less than this than you will find a happiness you never knew you had.
Until next time, thank you for your time!
